Sunday, October 19, 2014

Being Sick

This is the second or third cold I have had since school started and I'm not happy about all. I hate missing class because I feel like I'll miss even the smallest of things, especially a class I only have once a week. But luckily this past week we didn't have class, even though I went to class just to find everyone walking out, I was still happy that I just got to go back home and sleep and try to get rid of this cold! I know your body just needs time to rest and get better but I can't stop everything I've got going on like work and school because I would miss to much. I just hate being sick....

Thursday, October 9, 2014

College not what I thought

So we have been in school for well over a month now and well I can say this is not how I thought it would be. Not in a bad way, just not what I was expecting. I knew that there would be a lot going on but I thought that I would have more down time than I do. All I seem to every be doing is working, school, homework, or sleeping. It's a never ending cycle that I hope I learn how to deal with better. I remember I couldn't wait to graduate and go to college and move on and I'm kind of missing high school just because I always knew what to expect. I love to have a plan and for things to be typically the same but that is so NOT what college is. I like that about it but only a little bit, things could start getting into a routine now. I'm just struggling to find that routine or at least somewhat of a routine that is. I just feel like my brain is going in a thousand different ways and I have to do them all right away to get it done with but it just never stops!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Brady Hoke...Really?

As the weekend went on by there were football games back to back on Saturday, just how it should be. While my team Ohio State was pulling through at Cincinnati, Michigan wasn't having such luck. Michigan was struggling against Minnesota in their 30-14 loss Saturday. During one of the plays a Minnesota defensive line player basically lays the Michigan quarterback, Shane Morris, out. He lays there for a minute and struggles to get back up. He has a dazed look on his face and he stumbles while he walks and falls over into one of his defenders, if that defender wasn't there to catch Morris he would have fallen to the ground. Everyone was telling him to get off the field but he waved them off saying that he could still play. As a coach that would have been the warning to pull him off the field. But Hoke apparently didn't see that..? Or he did and just let him keep playing, which could be a health risk, a big one. The next play was then almost an interception and Morris was pulled out. Morris was suffering from an injured and Hoke says he thought Morris was stumbling because of that injury. Hoke is getting a lot of criticism from this because who wants their kids playing for a coach that doesn't take care of this players, let alone what university would want to have a coach like that? Hoke says he didn't see the play,yet he had sent in the clip to the Big Ten because he saw it as a targeting hit which can be penalized by game suspensions. This whole situation in my opinion is a lack of communication and Michigan coaches just looking other places than to take blame. They say that they've learned from it and are moving on but how? Hoke is having a tough year in Michigan as is and now this is here to put another wrench in his year and possibly his coaching career.