Sunday, November 23, 2014

Class Week 12

I was kind of nervous and didn't know what to expect during class this week with the plays. I didn't want people to know that I had written it was my biggest thing! It was actually really fun I thought! I liked that everyone played parts in the play which made it fun and I payed attention a lot more than I would have if we just read them or something like that. I'm excited that I get to redo my papers and get better grades now that I know my grade and there have been clearer directions.

Finals Week in College

The way everyone always talked about finals week in college is that it is the most stressful week ever and you have to cram for them and its studying and reading for a month to prepare. But what I have come to see is that it really isn't. I only have two exams this semester and one is online. I'm not sure if I'm happy about that or nervous. It means either I prepare well and remember the things I learned or it is just going to get harder. But I'm not complaining!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Class-Week 11

Friday's class I think was better. The directions on what we were supposed to be doing for homework was better and I'm not freaking out about that! Also the note activity was I think the most fun I have had in that class. I liked doing all of those things. It is a bit overwhelming with everything due different dates and days we don't have class, I'm wondering if those two classes hadn't got cancelled if it would still be like this or would it be more clear and constant.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Winter Already..?!

I love Christmas and it is my favorite holiday out of all of them, but I'm not ready for it yet! I was really liking those 50-60 degree weather we were getting. I can't believe it was like 60 like a week ago and now its 30 and snowing like crazy! I don't live on campus so driving in to class takes awhile now and I've been getting to class after it starts and I keep leaving earlier than normal but people are driving super slow. I love the snow but I was not expecting it this soon!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Class-Week 10

This past Friday in class was a good because it clarified a lot for me! I was really confused about a whole lot and everything got clarified. I still don't like how things are a little not orderly. I don't like all these different due dates and they're not on the blog relatively fast after class. I hopefully keep remembering to do all my blog posts! I'm really happy I know what my grade is in the class, it makes me feel a lot better! I'm still a little confused on why everything is still so scattered and not clear. Also, it bugs me when the teacher is talking and explains things and then a students asks a question and it is obvious they weren't even paying attention. That makes me very mad because I feel like that confuses a lot of people too, the amount of times things are repeated.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Pure Michigan

I don't know if there is anyone else out there that is just about done with this Michigan weather as i am. Fall is my favorite and i love that cold crisp air and the sunny 60 degree weather, and we have only had a hand full of them. I mean it was just snowing the other day! I would really love to know why Michigan's weather changes as much a teenage girls mood. I just want a couple decent days here before it actually does start snowing and doesn't stop until March!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Class-Week 9

Today in class was weird because there wasn't a whole lot of people, and like everyone had been forgetting to do their blog posts and I'm sure I'm losing a lot of point because I've forgotten for like two weeks now! But I thought that yesterday's class was confusing to say the least. First off with all our papers and some people had their papers due that day and some of us have them due Monday. Then I didn't really understand the homework either, but I'm glad I atleast picked a topic that I am interested in. Overall, this class is just starting to get confusing with all these due dates and they keep moving and it's starting to stress me out!