Saturday, November 1, 2014

Class-Week 9

Today in class was weird because there wasn't a whole lot of people, and like everyone had been forgetting to do their blog posts and I'm sure I'm losing a lot of point because I've forgotten for like two weeks now! But I thought that yesterday's class was confusing to say the least. First off with all our papers and some people had their papers due that day and some of us have them due Monday. Then I didn't really understand the homework either, but I'm glad I atleast picked a topic that I am interested in. Overall, this class is just starting to get confusing with all these due dates and they keep moving and it's starting to stress me out!


  1. I agree! I feel like "confusing" is the best word to use. Things could be a lot more organized. I was very frustrated that day and I am still getting things a little mixed up. Nothing is really clear to me. I guess all we can do is try our best. I'm just not sure as to what standards we are supposed to meet with our assignments. A rubric for papers would be helpful! Keep your head up!

    1. That's my biggest thing, I just don't know how I'm doing in the class and if I need to step it up or what.
