Monday, December 15, 2014

Class-Week 15-Final

I'm not really sure if we are supposed to be posting one for last week because again the directions were not clear. I'm glad that this class is over, it was fun but it was very stressful. The last day of class wasn't to bad! I liked that I got pizza and my questions answered and I knew what I had to do to try and get the most points back I possibly can. I don't even know what my grade is and that has me a little worried because I can't see where they are posted or what I have or what I'm getting on my papers. I don't like that because I really can't dispute it because I can't see the grades or anything. Everyone in my class was fun and the class itself was not but I made the best of it and all I can say is that I tried my best!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Class-Week 14

I thought Fridays class was good at clearing things up! Even thought there were still those students who made things even more confusing by asking questions before the teacher was even done explaining things. I'm going to have to do all of the projects because I want to get my grade up because I had no idea what it was. I really don't like that our grades aren't posted up somewhere so we can see them and know what to get better on. I am glad that this class is going to be over, and I feel bad saying that but it's just been the roughest class I've ever had to deal with, and I took a summer classes before school even started and had to figure everything out on my own, and this class was way harder to understand and do.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thanksgiving Break

I'm sure a lot of people are going to post about how they went home and everything. Well I live at home so it wasn't much different. But I did have to go to Ohio where all of the rest of my family id. My whole entire family gets together every year and we all eat together, theres like 30 of us in my grandparents little house, which is not fun at all. But I got to stay up here this year on Thanksgiving and have dinner with my boyfriends family which was nice because it was much less chaotic and laid back. I did kind of miss being with my family but I went down on Friday and still got to see everyone and then had Thanksgiving with my moms side of the family. We ate as much as we could and played the card game Spoons, which was fun to teach my boyfriend how to play. It was nice to see how well he got along withy cousins and the fact that he actually won the game and had never played before still confuses me!

Class Week 13-NO CLASS

It was nice not having class the last couple of days! But I will just talk about the homework we had! I liked how she gave us a couple extra days to work on our paper instead of making it due the previous Sunday like she had mentioned! I think I did good on my paper, or atleast I hope I did! It's weird only having class once a week unlike my other classes so it feels like I haven't been here in forever.