Monday, September 29, 2014

Carrie-Week 4

In class on Friday we talked about the stories we were to have read for class and to determine and find information about the character. We then related that to the essays we had written. This activity was fun in my opinion because we had to guess all of this stuff about the person who wrote the story. I can imagine that quite a few people we very wrong about their guesses, I know I was. The person who read mine thought that I was a boy and couldn't really figure anything else out about me through my story. Which when I was writing it I thought people could find, but as I was reading it after this activity I noted that you couldn't really tell. Then we watched a scary movie called Carrie, and first off I HATE scary movies. When our teacher said what we were watching I was like oh great! The movie really wasn't bad until the very end, when I looked away! We watched the movie to see how effect bring out mood and tone, I think, and how it makes people feel when they are watching something like that. I'm not really sure why we watched that other than to answer the worksheet that we got honestly.

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