Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Ohio State's Defense Re-Boot

Ever since college football has started about a month ago that's all a lot of people can talk about. Let alone this year is a big year of upsets and teams making it and breaking it. To me I've noticed that a lot of the Big 10 teams are playing smaller MAC colleges and winning. Which they obviously should win, they're the top teams playing lower leveled colleges, although there have been a few MAC schools that has surprised everyone, like in week three when East Carolina beat 17 ranked Virginia Tech. Let alone all of the high ranked teams losing to schools that aren't even ranked, LSU and Missouri lost to non ranked teams. Typically I would expect both of those teams to drop heavily in the Big 10 rankings but that doesn't always seem to happen. I have no idea how they decide who moves up or who goes down, and I might be coming across as a picky fan but it just doesn't make sense. But the point of my rank here was to talk about the Ohio State defense that has been on discussions for some time. It is no surprise that the reason they lost both big games last year was due to the defense. The head coach, Urban Meyer, wants his defense to be strong and be comparable to the offense who did amazing last year. They hired a new defensive coach and he has a long way ahead of him. He has to keep rebuilding on the defense that already exists but he has to basically change how the players rethink how they play. Once you get to a certain point in practicing and doing drill after drill it becomes mental. I believe that is where the Ohio State defense hit a wall last year and this new coach is going to have to work very hard to overcome this mental wall.

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