Friday, September 19, 2014

Is the new iPhone a good fit?

I was recently reading an article about the new iPhone 6 and all its new little quarks and how it is the new best thing out there on the market. But what really caught my attention was how the new CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, is running the show. Everyone knows that Steve Jobs was a very focused and business driven person. He was known as being kind of mean and not very open minded and everything had to be his way. He was a touch but successful leader which made Apple popular and successful. Ever since his passing we haven't heard much about the new CEO and how he is handling the new title, that is until the new iPhone came out last week. Cook is a much more laid back and open minded kind of guy, says his coworkers. He tries to get multiple peoples ideas into creating new products and making existing products better. There are a lot of people at Apple who like this new more laid back and open view, but others are concerned that he is to nice and won't be as successful as Jobs. Jobs was successful because he was tough and narrow minded, but at the same time he could have closed the door on great opportunities and ideas for Apple as the new CEO would take that idea and let it grow and it could turn into something. There are obviously a good and bad side to both of these two men, but there has been a literal 180 in the leadership at Apple and how will the company handle it?

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