Monday, December 15, 2014

Class-Week 15-Final

I'm not really sure if we are supposed to be posting one for last week because again the directions were not clear. I'm glad that this class is over, it was fun but it was very stressful. The last day of class wasn't to bad! I liked that I got pizza and my questions answered and I knew what I had to do to try and get the most points back I possibly can. I don't even know what my grade is and that has me a little worried because I can't see where they are posted or what I have or what I'm getting on my papers. I don't like that because I really can't dispute it because I can't see the grades or anything. Everyone in my class was fun and the class itself was not but I made the best of it and all I can say is that I tried my best!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Class-Week 14

I thought Fridays class was good at clearing things up! Even thought there were still those students who made things even more confusing by asking questions before the teacher was even done explaining things. I'm going to have to do all of the projects because I want to get my grade up because I had no idea what it was. I really don't like that our grades aren't posted up somewhere so we can see them and know what to get better on. I am glad that this class is going to be over, and I feel bad saying that but it's just been the roughest class I've ever had to deal with, and I took a summer classes before school even started and had to figure everything out on my own, and this class was way harder to understand and do.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thanksgiving Break

I'm sure a lot of people are going to post about how they went home and everything. Well I live at home so it wasn't much different. But I did have to go to Ohio where all of the rest of my family id. My whole entire family gets together every year and we all eat together, theres like 30 of us in my grandparents little house, which is not fun at all. But I got to stay up here this year on Thanksgiving and have dinner with my boyfriends family which was nice because it was much less chaotic and laid back. I did kind of miss being with my family but I went down on Friday and still got to see everyone and then had Thanksgiving with my moms side of the family. We ate as much as we could and played the card game Spoons, which was fun to teach my boyfriend how to play. It was nice to see how well he got along withy cousins and the fact that he actually won the game and had never played before still confuses me!

Class Week 13-NO CLASS

It was nice not having class the last couple of days! But I will just talk about the homework we had! I liked how she gave us a couple extra days to work on our paper instead of making it due the previous Sunday like she had mentioned! I think I did good on my paper, or atleast I hope I did! It's weird only having class once a week unlike my other classes so it feels like I haven't been here in forever.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Class Week 12

I was kind of nervous and didn't know what to expect during class this week with the plays. I didn't want people to know that I had written it was my biggest thing! It was actually really fun I thought! I liked that everyone played parts in the play which made it fun and I payed attention a lot more than I would have if we just read them or something like that. I'm excited that I get to redo my papers and get better grades now that I know my grade and there have been clearer directions.

Finals Week in College

The way everyone always talked about finals week in college is that it is the most stressful week ever and you have to cram for them and its studying and reading for a month to prepare. But what I have come to see is that it really isn't. I only have two exams this semester and one is online. I'm not sure if I'm happy about that or nervous. It means either I prepare well and remember the things I learned or it is just going to get harder. But I'm not complaining!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Class-Week 11

Friday's class I think was better. The directions on what we were supposed to be doing for homework was better and I'm not freaking out about that! Also the note activity was I think the most fun I have had in that class. I liked doing all of those things. It is a bit overwhelming with everything due different dates and days we don't have class, I'm wondering if those two classes hadn't got cancelled if it would still be like this or would it be more clear and constant.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Winter Already..?!

I love Christmas and it is my favorite holiday out of all of them, but I'm not ready for it yet! I was really liking those 50-60 degree weather we were getting. I can't believe it was like 60 like a week ago and now its 30 and snowing like crazy! I don't live on campus so driving in to class takes awhile now and I've been getting to class after it starts and I keep leaving earlier than normal but people are driving super slow. I love the snow but I was not expecting it this soon!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Class-Week 10

This past Friday in class was a good because it clarified a lot for me! I was really confused about a whole lot and everything got clarified. I still don't like how things are a little not orderly. I don't like all these different due dates and they're not on the blog relatively fast after class. I hopefully keep remembering to do all my blog posts! I'm really happy I know what my grade is in the class, it makes me feel a lot better! I'm still a little confused on why everything is still so scattered and not clear. Also, it bugs me when the teacher is talking and explains things and then a students asks a question and it is obvious they weren't even paying attention. That makes me very mad because I feel like that confuses a lot of people too, the amount of times things are repeated.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Pure Michigan

I don't know if there is anyone else out there that is just about done with this Michigan weather as i am. Fall is my favorite and i love that cold crisp air and the sunny 60 degree weather, and we have only had a hand full of them. I mean it was just snowing the other day! I would really love to know why Michigan's weather changes as much a teenage girls mood. I just want a couple decent days here before it actually does start snowing and doesn't stop until March!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Class-Week 9

Today in class was weird because there wasn't a whole lot of people, and like everyone had been forgetting to do their blog posts and I'm sure I'm losing a lot of point because I've forgotten for like two weeks now! But I thought that yesterday's class was confusing to say the least. First off with all our papers and some people had their papers due that day and some of us have them due Monday. Then I didn't really understand the homework either, but I'm glad I atleast picked a topic that I am interested in. Overall, this class is just starting to get confusing with all these due dates and they keep moving and it's starting to stress me out!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Being Sick

This is the second or third cold I have had since school started and I'm not happy about all. I hate missing class because I feel like I'll miss even the smallest of things, especially a class I only have once a week. But luckily this past week we didn't have class, even though I went to class just to find everyone walking out, I was still happy that I just got to go back home and sleep and try to get rid of this cold! I know your body just needs time to rest and get better but I can't stop everything I've got going on like work and school because I would miss to much. I just hate being sick....

Thursday, October 9, 2014

College not what I thought

So we have been in school for well over a month now and well I can say this is not how I thought it would be. Not in a bad way, just not what I was expecting. I knew that there would be a lot going on but I thought that I would have more down time than I do. All I seem to every be doing is working, school, homework, or sleeping. It's a never ending cycle that I hope I learn how to deal with better. I remember I couldn't wait to graduate and go to college and move on and I'm kind of missing high school just because I always knew what to expect. I love to have a plan and for things to be typically the same but that is so NOT what college is. I like that about it but only a little bit, things could start getting into a routine now. I'm just struggling to find that routine or at least somewhat of a routine that is. I just feel like my brain is going in a thousand different ways and I have to do them all right away to get it done with but it just never stops!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Brady Hoke...Really?

As the weekend went on by there were football games back to back on Saturday, just how it should be. While my team Ohio State was pulling through at Cincinnati, Michigan wasn't having such luck. Michigan was struggling against Minnesota in their 30-14 loss Saturday. During one of the plays a Minnesota defensive line player basically lays the Michigan quarterback, Shane Morris, out. He lays there for a minute and struggles to get back up. He has a dazed look on his face and he stumbles while he walks and falls over into one of his defenders, if that defender wasn't there to catch Morris he would have fallen to the ground. Everyone was telling him to get off the field but he waved them off saying that he could still play. As a coach that would have been the warning to pull him off the field. But Hoke apparently didn't see that..? Or he did and just let him keep playing, which could be a health risk, a big one. The next play was then almost an interception and Morris was pulled out. Morris was suffering from an injured and Hoke says he thought Morris was stumbling because of that injury. Hoke is getting a lot of criticism from this because who wants their kids playing for a coach that doesn't take care of this players, let alone what university would want to have a coach like that? Hoke says he didn't see the play,yet he had sent in the clip to the Big Ten because he saw it as a targeting hit which can be penalized by game suspensions. This whole situation in my opinion is a lack of communication and Michigan coaches just looking other places than to take blame. They say that they've learned from it and are moving on but how? Hoke is having a tough year in Michigan as is and now this is here to put another wrench in his year and possibly his coaching career.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Carrie-Week 4

In class on Friday we talked about the stories we were to have read for class and to determine and find information about the character. We then related that to the essays we had written. This activity was fun in my opinion because we had to guess all of this stuff about the person who wrote the story. I can imagine that quite a few people we very wrong about their guesses, I know I was. The person who read mine thought that I was a boy and couldn't really figure anything else out about me through my story. Which when I was writing it I thought people could find, but as I was reading it after this activity I noted that you couldn't really tell. Then we watched a scary movie called Carrie, and first off I HATE scary movies. When our teacher said what we were watching I was like oh great! The movie really wasn't bad until the very end, when I looked away! We watched the movie to see how effect bring out mood and tone, I think, and how it makes people feel when they are watching something like that. I'm not really sure why we watched that other than to answer the worksheet that we got honestly.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Ohio State's Defense Re-Boot

Ever since college football has started about a month ago that's all a lot of people can talk about. Let alone this year is a big year of upsets and teams making it and breaking it. To me I've noticed that a lot of the Big 10 teams are playing smaller MAC colleges and winning. Which they obviously should win, they're the top teams playing lower leveled colleges, although there have been a few MAC schools that has surprised everyone, like in week three when East Carolina beat 17 ranked Virginia Tech. Let alone all of the high ranked teams losing to schools that aren't even ranked, LSU and Missouri lost to non ranked teams. Typically I would expect both of those teams to drop heavily in the Big 10 rankings but that doesn't always seem to happen. I have no idea how they decide who moves up or who goes down, and I might be coming across as a picky fan but it just doesn't make sense. But the point of my rank here was to talk about the Ohio State defense that has been on discussions for some time. It is no surprise that the reason they lost both big games last year was due to the defense. The head coach, Urban Meyer, wants his defense to be strong and be comparable to the offense who did amazing last year. They hired a new defensive coach and he has a long way ahead of him. He has to keep rebuilding on the defense that already exists but he has to basically change how the players rethink how they play. Once you get to a certain point in practicing and doing drill after drill it becomes mental. I believe that is where the Ohio State defense hit a wall last year and this new coach is going to have to work very hard to overcome this mental wall.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Characters-Week 3

The first story we were supposed to read for my class was Cultural Baggage, and I personally thought that this piece was a bit confusing. I started reading it and I just felt like it didn't really have a direction, I felt like it was very all over the place. I started forming one idea of what I thought it was all about but then it would change because the way the story was going changed. Not until the end did I somewhat understand what the writer was getting at. I thought it was just an overall confusing story. Then the second book we had to read was Pet Milk, and I thought this was much easier to understand. It was easier to follow and at the end I understood what he meant from telling the story. I liked how this was more of a telling of how he goes through his days, it was easier to follow. I think I had trouble with the first story because it was someones ideas and thoughts.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Is the new iPhone a good fit?

I was recently reading an article about the new iPhone 6 and all its new little quarks and how it is the new best thing out there on the market. But what really caught my attention was how the new CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, is running the show. Everyone knows that Steve Jobs was a very focused and business driven person. He was known as being kind of mean and not very open minded and everything had to be his way. He was a touch but successful leader which made Apple popular and successful. Ever since his passing we haven't heard much about the new CEO and how he is handling the new title, that is until the new iPhone came out last week. Cook is a much more laid back and open minded kind of guy, says his coworkers. He tries to get multiple peoples ideas into creating new products and making existing products better. There are a lot of people at Apple who like this new more laid back and open view, but others are concerned that he is to nice and won't be as successful as Jobs. Jobs was successful because he was tough and narrow minded, but at the same time he could have closed the door on great opportunities and ideas for Apple as the new CEO would take that idea and let it grow and it could turn into something. There are obviously a good and bad side to both of these two men, but there has been a literal 180 in the leadership at Apple and how will the company handle it?

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Looking Into the Character-Week 2

I found it very interesting, in class the other day, that we were reading more into the characters of stories and the person reading or telling the stories. I never really thought about looking into that person before, other than just following them along in a book or something. I realized it could really help me understand a book better, and it could help me understand the character and why they are saying something or doing something. People read books and other things to connect to them and what I learned in class is an even better way to connect to a story than to just read it. I never really knew that you could figure out so much about a character when you just analyze what they say and how they say things. Then again I never really took the time to think about it or try to analyze a character.

Friday, September 12, 2014


My name is Danielle Rieck and I'm a freshmen at WMU. I graduated from Mattawan High School in April and I turned 19 over the summer and I can't wait to get this new chapter of my life started! I'm going into the business college for finance. I'm not very good at math but somehow I understand finance. I'm originally from Ohio but I moved here about 10 years ago and I've been here ever since. I really like college football, and I'm a big Ohio State fan, which has been fun living in Michigan. I also really like soccer and I played for about 9 years but I stopped because I was having to many issues and injuries with my ankles. I'm also addicted to Pinterest so I will probably get a lot of idea from there and I pretty much pin everything on there, like hair and beauty, fashion, make up and nails, places I want to visit, and basically anything that catches my eye!